Discovering Woopra!

Prologue: To those who don't know, Woopra is a real-time web tracking and analysis application that I installed after I self-hosted the blog, to be able to follow the stats, and see who visits the site, etc.




Before Woopra. Man telling me "Hey I saw your post about the plumber... So true!"




I reply "oooh! That's so lovely to hear! Thank you!"





After woopra. Man telling me "Hey! I saw your post about the plumber. So true!"




I reply: " I know. You saw it yesterday at 12:46PM. You spent 2 min 47 sec on the page through safari on a mac with 1440 x 900 screen resolution. Man appears dumbstruck.




AND! You live in Beirut, Lebanon. Man, afraid, excuses himself.




Woopra also improved geography skills, from the maps of the stats pages.





Woopra also allows you to show off your knowledge instead of your clothes. "Did you know that Sweden and Ukraine flags had the same colours?"




There's just one small issue: they forgot to mention "use with moderation". Shall I work now or shall I check woopra?




Checking woopra: wow! there are 20 visitors on the blog at the same time!




Woopra Diagram: Work or Woopra? > Woopra > Food or Woopra? > Woopra! > Sleep or Woopra? > Woopra! > Life or Woopra? .... >



Woopra! Maya, still at work, but looking very old. Spider webs are visible on computers with a spider hanging down the desk.

And here’s my story with Woopra! I’ve become seriously addicted to following you guys go in and out of the blog, checking the pages, knowing all about your home countries and screen resolutions 😛 Sometimes, I even have the option to chat with you – so don’t be surprised if you get a pop out saying “Maya wants to chat with you”. It’ll be me spending my day or night on Woopra 🙂 It’s beautiful & touching knowing that at a given time, simultaneously, someone in Togo, someone in Estonia and someone in Norway is reading one of the comics of this blog. Makes me so happy! 🙂

I really advise all of you who have websites to install it (but first get a paranoïa personality-type check, just in case). Also about Woopra, it is proudly founded by Lebanese Elie Khoury & partner.

I’ll now leave you with Natalie Imbruglia’s song ‘One more addiction’ which fits the situation perfectly. From her album “Left of the middle” that I used to  listen to 24/7 when I was in 6ème (6th grade) in Jeddah. How time flies…
See you soon! 😉


51 responses to “Discovering Woopra!”

  1. Thousand Reds Avatar

    Yay!! for one time you are following us instead of us always following you 😀

  2. Ahmad Osman Avatar
    Ahmad Osman

    (rofl) Hilarious. Prima. (and I needn’t tell you, I presume, that I spent a mere three minutes on the blog but reread the entry. All hail Woopra)

  3. IVAN Avatar

    so lovely ♥ . so useful 🙂 .. thanX ^^

  4. Elie Avatar

    One of my favorite Woopra reviews 😀 I love it! And I’m glad you’re enjoying Woopra… Cheers 😉

  5. cyrilcomair Avatar


  6. John Pozadzides Avatar

    This is the greatest review I’ve ever seen! Thank you so much for your kind words about Woopra, but also thank you for so eloquently capturing how so many people feel about it. This is simply… amazing!


    John P.

  7. Tony Avatar

    Thanks Maya for sharing with us 🙂 You could also try Google Analytics which is the most advanced online stats and analytics engine available. I use it on both our websites and

    Keep up the great work!

  8. mc Avatar

    so even if I don’t leave a comment you know that I visited your site?! 🙂

  9. […] of the ordinary blog post, Maya decided to tell her Woopra story in cartoon form. She painstakingly illustrated a complete storyboard relating her experiences, and as I read it she […]

  10. Roba Avatar

    Funny post 🙂 I remember that happened with me when I first installed Analytics.

  11. darinerachkidy Avatar

    10x for the info, i’m glad that woopra’s founder is lebanese (no wonder it’s THAT clever..hahaha)
    so now u know how many times i check ur blog per day…and how many times i re-read some of my favorite posts…!!##@@!
    mmmm….try knowing how many times i talk about ur blog to my friends…heheheh

  12. Keith Becker Avatar

    Fantastic and delightfully entertaining webcomic review! I have been on the fence about whether or not to switch to Woopra for my web analytics, and this clinches it. Thank you!

  13. Lara Z Avatar

    Lara the sis was here.

  14. Dayana Avatar

    yes we do follow you… aren’t we allowed to have some fun sometime during our hectic day? hein? 😛 i just love the burberry lady… reminds me of my clients

  15. Mira Avatar

    cutest thing ever written abt woopra 😀
    I definitely love it !!!!!

  16. Tarek Avatar

    Hmmm!! Awesome news about Woopra (not your addiction!) But here’s a thought… Does Woopra count me as a reader if I read you through RSS instead of directly coming to your page?!! I know Google Analytics (which counts like half a user who visits my blog by typing a wrong URL doesn’t!) Does Woopra do that?!! Cause if not, you’re gonna have to add at least one person per post!! 🙂


  17. Joseph Massih Avatar
    Joseph Massih

    Nice Review!!!!! Keep up the good work!

  18. Washi Avatar

    that’s so cool Maya 🙂

  19. muneeb Avatar

    this is so true. and way to go WOOPRA !!

  20. Van Avatar

    I agree with Tarek. I always read your posts without fail, just via RSS. And since I also use Analytics, it would be interesting to know the answer to that question too…

  21. Danielle Avatar

    God this is funny 😀 It’s been a while i’m drowning in finals ! this is an awesome entry i’m gonna install woopra 😛

  22. Thierry Avatar

    excellent, comme d’habitude 😀 😀

  23. Haha Avatar

    Thoroughly enjoying your post, as always! From my HP, 1600*900 reso, in MTL where it is currently -3C, which is great for this time of year! But then again, what am I saying, you already know that! Keep up the great work and thanks for the smiles!

  24. Ekios Avatar

    1- Congratulation for the hosting Maya 😉
    I’ll check on it later to see how well it have been done 🙂

    2- About Woopra I don’t know, thing I know is that you are using wordpress, and it have a nice plugin for the statistic for a long time now, it’s called “wassup”. The important point with him is that he’s “made for wordpress” 🙂

    3- Your talent is still here, I laughed a lot on that one because I recognize myself in it 😉

  25. vanessa zgheib Avatar
    vanessa zgheib

    looooooool as usual funny funny funny

  26. zerolando Avatar

    I wasn’t here, and I didn’t leave this comment hehe

  27. Sako Avatar

    keep an eye on me if i stay too much on ur website i must be drooling on the keyboard.
    all the best woopra! 😉

  28. Luke Avatar

    Woopra sounds awesome, I wonder how the chatting works?! I first used motigo which was really crappy, I now use statcounter its amazing how much information you can get! I can even see which website they came from and where they left to! After I installed it I became extremely paranoid though:s if this is what free software can do imagine what happens if you pay for one! Lovin the new website.

  29. Riham Avatar

    Well, at least you’ll know your audience better. 😛

  30. a.m. Avatar

    oh i guess i should leave now, you already know the details, i wont have to say anything

  31. Nahil Avatar

    loooooool 😀 i love this one especially the last image 3afante 3a woopra 😛
    eh my screen resolution right now is probably sh!t 😀 am @ college in the library -_-
    but ill for sure check out that program, w its good ur sharing music at the same time! i like this lil addition, but maybe if u put it on the top of the blog a7san, so we can listen music while reading ur blog?

  32. Lisa Marie Mary Avatar

    This is downright AWESOME!!! Hahaha – you had me laughing all the way through – I just love it!! 😀

  33. Rishi Avatar

    Fantastic blog post! Really creative and well worthy of being recognized on Woopra’s main blog. 🙂

  34. Michael Abou Atme Avatar

    It worries me that everyone commented so nicely on this post.
    She knows everything now people.
    Be afraid… Be VERY afraid…

  35. Zouzeta Avatar

    i love the songgggggggggggg :))))

  36. rain Avatar

    it is really interesting, i would be addicted too 😛
    and it is lovely of you to leave a song at the end of the post
    have a nice day =D

  37. BX Avatar

    You cannot track me :-).
    You should promote the use of AdBlock Plus instead, with the right filter you can preserve your privacy while browsing the web.

  38. Dudu Avatar

    Great work, just perfect.
    You described exactly what happens to me too.

  39. kev grant Avatar

    Hi Maya.

    enjoyed the cartoon, and as addicts since 2008 I can confirm that it will also ultimately teach you time management skills, or you’ll get no work done ever again..

    one of the two.. 🙂

    regards from Ibiza

    1. kev grant Avatar

      ps lol sorry missed the end tag on the first link, could you do it for me and delete this one? thx kev.

  40. Britt Perlet Avatar

    We share your love and addiction of Woopra too! We track four of our 50 web sites with it- I can’t imagine tracking them all! We just hit the 30,000 page views in less than 30 days mark and were in complete shock when our Woopra account shut down to become “paid” subscribers! I truly believe we hit that mark because of watching our visitors on Woopra and changing our navigation because of it!

    I can’t develop websites without Woopra! I can’t manage our Google Adwords campaigns without Woopra! We use several stats programs from Google Analytics, AWSTATS, SmarterTools… but Woopra is the only one that really connects us with our visitors.

    Thanks for the laughs and the beautifully done cartoons. You captured the Woopra experience completely!

    – Hugs from your fellow Woopra addicts,
    Britt and Mike

  41. Britt Perlet Avatar

    In my enthusiasm for our shared Woopra experience I forgot to add- we work from home and Woopra is the FIRST thing I check every morning (while the coffee is brewing and before the e-mails) and Woopra is the last thing I look at before I call it a night!

    Britt and Mike

  42. Britt Perlet Avatar

    And…… (I’m so thrilled to connect with another “Eye In the Sky” addict!)…. your last cartoon is truly an eerie “screen shot” of me- from the hair bun, the neglected Grey roots, the teeth and MOST importantly…. the huge grin!

    I am so happy to report- we moved our sites to our own private server today. I don’t know what I’m doing- clueless- but it had to be done. From the Woopra stats- it was time! And funny thing is- when you change your DNS records and it takes 48 hours to propagate the changes across the internet? It was Woopra- that assured me- my world wide traffic was still – in real time- able to access our sites.

    I can’t imagine doing anything without Woopra- it’s my one true “This is what is REALLY happening now” thing I can absolutely count on to help me make decisions for our business.

    Thanks so much for your cartoons! Your not alone! I have no idea why there aren’t more of us! I tell people about Woopra all the time- it’s like nobody really believes its true? Oh- it’s the real deal! It really is.

    Best of luck to you with your lovely site,
    Britt and Mike

  43. Happy Hotelier Avatar


    Am so with you. Ever since Lorelle introduced me to Woopra I’ve installed a second screen to watch my blog visitors life. Love it!

  44. Bill G. Avatar

    I love the illustrations. GREAT job! I use Woopra too, so I can relate.

  45. Elias Moubarak Avatar

    I discovered a country called Aruba thanks to Woopra. A small Island with 100 000 population only. I never had a visitor from China ! lol
    Your post kicks ass ! 😉

  46. Jad Fahs Avatar

    ” Ma bta3rif woopra ?? ” 😛

  47. Felisha Wild Avatar

    I just started my blog and added Woopra about a month later. Even though I don’t have that much traffic yet I love just seeing all the pretty graphs and pages people are visiting. I can definately see if there were more traffic how much more addicting it could be.

    Thanks so much for the article and love the illustrations.



  48. //Sub/Corpus Avatar

    nice review …
    i have has an account in woopra for months … but just started using the service …
    super cool …

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