Curiosity killed the cat

Finding some old video tapes

I can’t believe the DVD guy WATCHED the videos I sent him. Not only did he watch them, but he also had the guts to comment about the fashion & lifestyle of the 80’s and how we spent our time back then. Wlak at least don’t SAY that you watched them! Apparently he didn’t have much to do during the day. Lebanese & their curiosity.

Anyway, I just felt like holding a pencil and scribbling & here’s what came out 🙂 Couldn’t possibly let you go to your weekends without a quick post!

Have a lovely weekend my darlings! And here’s Chick Corea’s “Love Castle” from his album “My Spanish Heart”.

01 Love Castle


21 responses to “Curiosity killed the cat”

  1. Lara the sis Avatar

    LOL he even asked if we were twins cz we used to dress the same back in the old days 😛

  2. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by mayazankoul: Curiosity killed the cat.

  3. Zeina Gabriel Avatar
    Zeina Gabriel

    Amazing like usually.. so what are the videos about? Is it your childhood? Your life in the 80s?
    Take care.
    Zeina 🙂

  4. Mark Avatar

    This might sound strange but where did you take your videos to be converted? I have some Betamax and VHS tapes I brought to Lebanon when we left Kuwait during the 1990 invasion and they’re still tucked away in one of the closets at my grandma’s. Would be cool to convert them to digital.

  5. Paola Avatar

    OMG!!! Hahahahahah! the nerve of the guy, i can’t believe it! God Lebanese are phenomenal!

  6. Wissam M Avatar
    Wissam M

    freak oO

  7. Nahil Avatar

    lol 3anjad mish tabi3e raso 😀 expect the worst eh sarit 3ade 😀 hahaha i love ur hand ekhir shi 3a tawle 😀 ken lezim tekhla3i kafen w tsakrilo his business lol shu we2i7! 😀 but i loved the sketches. do u usually sketch before u illustrate them ?

  8. a.m. Avatar

    Well Maya, copying VHS to DVD would require playing the whole tape, so i guess the guy would be very obliged to watch everything, unless he purposefully intends not to. who would miss such an exciting opportunity!
    but yea, he should at least shut up and not brag about it lol!

    1. Riham Avatar

      Haha yeah I was gonna ask, does he have to play it to convert it..
      But he should not mention it! So funny.

  9. IVY Says Avatar

    Why am I not surprised? It’s almost like they feel entitled to this or something, so entitled in fact that he can casually allow himself to comment. hmpffff!!!

  10. Rabih Avatar

    “Anyway, I just felt like holding a pencil and scribbling …”
    I thought you felt like holding a pencil and poking his eye out 😀

  11. shezshe Avatar

    now we have the confirmation that they ALL look at our childhood videos 🙂
    Loved the Music!

  12. Liliane Avatar

    I think to convert from video to DVD, he has to run the whole thing 😛 w as he’s there, why not watch them!

    So kindergarten graduation? walla iyemkoun bi Jeddah!

  13. Darine Avatar

    I love this unconventional style, which we are not used to on this blog 🙂 Very expressive, and it actually put us in the mood for something very dark and twisted 🙂

  14. rebghb Avatar

    been there… stupid ppl…

    Lyom sar ma3e she be3asseb. A “friend” more like someone I know was trying to help his “GF” install the latest Live MSN. So he was like all over me… I even searched for the download link, w kel shway y2elle “hurry man hurry”. Then it was finally download, HALELUJAH! BUT, the file was no place to be found. So 23od ya walad hawel tefham menna (3an taree2o) wein el file.

    The conclusion is, some Lebanese ppl are veeeeeery computer illeterate! Computers are being used just for chatting w ta22 hanak… I really would be thankful if u posted somehting about this “plague” so as ppl like me yfesho khel2on!!

  15. ritamou Avatar

    i like the different style of this post! ive grown quite addicted to this blog! you have a lovely way of illustrating in a simple way each passing thoughts in our heads! i love your outlook on the matters.

    back to this post, i wonder if the look at pictures when they develop them… that would be a big problem for various reason (e.g. veiled women with their veils off)

    the nerves to that guy to brag about it… must have been two interesting videos! 😛

  16. darinerachkidy Avatar

    hahahahahahah….lucky u he didn’t find any relatives / relation to you in the VHS ..asking about the history of ur ancestor … if ur grandma knows his aunt who used to live next in the village near the fountain….

  17. Mariam Avatar

    hahaha! you seem to be a prey to such situations. nice job :D!

  18. Kayo Avatar

    Omg, I can’t believe it!What a freak!

  19. BeirutBoy Avatar

    what a DICKHEAD!
    3anjadd enno 7ashour!

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