Category: Social
Group photo!
Hate ‘group’ photos! There’s no such thing as a ‘group’ photo because whenever you’re shown a photo with other people, you will judge it according to how YOU look in it. And Facebook doesn’t help in all this.Anyway enough nagging, I’m really truly sorry my darlings for not posting as regularly as I used to, I have too much work 🙁 Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go practice how to mess up my Pecha Kucha presentation tomorrow (OH MY GOD IT’S TOMORROW!). Click here for more info: See you guys there 😉
Let's talk about the weather (Blog Action Day'09)
..................That was my humble participation to Blog Action Day ’09 whose topic for this year is Climate Change. Whenever I try bringing the issue up, I am faced with rejection/sarcasm/misunderstanding etc. I hope that today’s event will help raise awareness about the importance of such issues, especially in a country like Lebanon where it tends to be forgotten due to more pressing issues of political nature. Have a green day! 🙂Fellow Lebanese bloggers’ take on the topic:...Since it’s blog action day, let’s make the most of it. Just got another idea to share 🙂.May this day be a warning of the harmful consequences that humans are causing to their environment!
My daily bread…
Just when I thought I had enough problems for one day! Sometimes I’m glad I’m not armed, because I would’ve had an appropriate answer to the “ma twekhzina danzelle” when Lello got to his car. I can’t stand it when visitors of the building block the way out for other cars, I’ve been through this countless times! Anyway, I wish you all a beautiful autumnal day! 🙂
Wedding bells
First, I’d like to thank you all for your lovely comments on yesterday’s post! You made my day… As for the style, well I felt like experimenting a bit as I had been advised many times by people (who will recognize themselves :P) I wish I had more time to do so more often… In all cases, I had to go to this wedding, and got to observe the attendees, and that was my report about it! Lebanese weddings are special! Not to mention the zaffeh creativity (hawaiian zaffeh, mexican zaffeh…) the who-spends-more-on-their-wedding competition, etc. I hope I’ll have time to get in more details into this issue soon. Until then, have a lovely day 🙂
Moron Island
I was reading TimeOut magazine’s September issue, and I saw an article about the Cedar Island project. I had forgotten about it, when billboards reminded me of it again. In the article, the people intending to build the island were clear about how they don’t care about the environmental hazards that this project would cause. Even if Dubai built palm-shaped islands, we don’t have to do the same! We don’t NEED to do the same. Lebanon’s beauty is natural, and the issues we have are not a lack of touristic landmarks. I hope that this project will be resisted and will not take place. Otherwise I would believe it to be a major disfigurement to Lebanon. And that was the thought for today. Have a great day! 🙂
Alien invasion
I’m sure most of you heard the ‘latest news’ of UFO’s and aliens flying over Lebanon. They made a huge deal about them and featured them on national television, creating a fuss among the lebanese, who initially love making fusses about anything and everything. The result is endless facebook statuses and tweets crying about the alien attack, which, to start with, was probably a fire balloon or an optical illusion. Can we please get back to our senses and keep our eyes on more important issues?
Becoming twaddicted
Yes, my darlings, it’s been a few days that I’m addicted to twitter. When I wake up I check twitter, before I sleep, I check twitter. While working, I check twitter. Why is it so addictive? After all the resistance and the anti-twitter campaign, I have become a victim. Snif, snif. Well, I hope I’ll get over the addiction very soon!
I’d like to wish a Eid Mubarak to all concerned… And to enjoy this day off, I’d like to dedicate you this beautiful song that I love, from jazz pianist Philippe el Hage’s latest album ‘Sunday Afternoon’. I just can’t get enough of it! The sax & piano combination is…… Well, I’ll let you be the judge 🙂 Hope you’ll enjoy it and hope you have a beauuuuutiful day! 🙂
Bloggers uncovered!
This short post is to say thank you to RFI (Philippe Couve, Pierre Haski, & Eric Scherer), Nathalie & David from Chroniques Beyrouthines, and all of you who made it to T-Marbouta for today’s bloggers’ meeting! It was great to get to know you all in real and discuss all the top secret matters!
Here is Blogging Beirut’s photo rendition of the event. Here is Beirut NTSC’s comment on the event. Here is Rue89’s review of the event. And here is Plus961’s summary of the event. Last but not least, for more accurate and relevant details, check Hummus’s review about the event 😀
Who was there?,
(sorry if I missed anyone let me know and I’ll add it).
Have a great day! 🙂
Smokin' !
No offense to any smokers! It’s everyone’s right to want to damage his/herself. But I really hate it when I have to suffer the terrible smells of smoke, that stick to my clothes, to my hair, etc. I don’t get how a closed area can have simultaneously a smoking and a non-smoking section. I say we prohibit smoking in closed areas 😀 What do you say?