Category: Personal

  • Dark interval

    A tentative to smile after every trouble. I’m trying to solve some issues of life, which as you might have noticed is affecting the regularity of posting. I hope I’ll be posting more again soon enough! Have a hopeful day πŸ™‚ Here’s Keith Jarrett’s My Wild Irish Rose

    05 My Wild Irish Rose 1

  • Back! [But still shaking]

    online casinos wp-image-3659″ title=”11″ src=”” alt=”” width=”546″ height=”703″ />

    Glad to be back, forgot how much I missed doing posts! A big thanks to Cafe Thawra, who made this trip possible. All about Geneva, the people, the food, and all, in the next post! Have a nice day! πŸ™‚

  • Wisdom on a flight

    A story I remembered and drew during the flight to Geneva! Why am I going to Geneva, you ask? Here’s why.Β I’ll be participating to this discussion/round table with Cafe Thawra and other bloggers. If you’re around Geneva, pass by – I’ll also be signing my book!

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m taking the next week off! Will miss you guys very dearly! πŸ™‚ See you soon!

  • Here’s the thing…

    [If you can’t see Youtube, download the video here]

    As we say in Lebanese, Ψͺعيشو و ΨͺΨ§ΩƒΩ„Ωˆ غيرا! [hope you’ll live to see more pranks πŸ˜‰ ]

    Thanks a lot for the AMAAAAZING reactions that you guys sent out regarding the TV show… I was so happy that I actually put them all into a collage [from FB, Twitter and the blog] and you can check them below!! [click to enlarge]

    A big big thank you goes to the brilliant Habib who brainstormed this with me yesterday last minute when I still didn’t know what today’s prank would be πŸ˜‰

    Last but least, let’s end it with a beaaautiful tune by Pat Metheny, “New Chatauqua”

    03 New Chautauqua

  • Birthday wish!

    I have a small surprise/wish that I’d like to share with you! {Maybe next year will take the comics one step further? ;)}

    [For relatively better viewing, click here > photo-passport for the Flash version, but resize your browser to the size of a youtube video :)]

    Presenting: “Passport Photo… The [very sketchy] animated version!” [the vimeo below is low-quality]

    Photo Passport [Maya’s Amalgam] from Maya Zankoul on Vimeo.

    So in case you’re wondering, I just put this up together rather quickly, it’s been tempting me to see what an animated version of the comic would look like… What do you guys think?

    [Credits: the soundtrack is Chick Corea’s Armando’s Rhumba]

    I would also like to share this AMAZING visual sent by the lovely Naeema Zarif! (Click to enlarge) Check out her fantastic work in her Flickr stream. Well, if you’re wondering what Audrey is doing here, Naeema knows she’s my role model πŸ˜‰

  • My baby turns 1 year old!

    My blog turns 1 year old today!

    Today, we celebrate Amalgam's 1st birthday!

    Candle blowing

    On this special day, I 'd like to thank every single person who supported, commented, liked, visited, hated... participated to making this blog what it is today. I could not have done it without you!  I love you all my darlings!

    To thank you for all your love, I have a  proposition for you: I am going to give away  3 Amalgam books, and I am going to add  3 posts to the blog today (including this one).  The 1st commenter (located in Leb) on each of the posts will get a signed copy of the book!

    So, let’s go, comment away! πŸ˜‰ The comment has to be “Happy Birhday!” Β So if you don’t want the book, just comment something else :p

    [If you already have the book and don’t need another copy, please give a chance to others πŸ˜› Β & sorry about limiting it to Leb, but it’s a bit complicated to send the book across the planet at this time]

    I would also like to take this chance to give some…


    β€’ Let’s go back to the VERY FIRST POST I did on this blog! I called it “my tranquilizer” back then, and today I can say that this is exactly what this blog has been to me. I hope you all find your own “tranquilizers” and that next year will only be as good as the 1st one!

    β€’ 236: Is the number of posts on this blog since day 1!

    β€’ 2247: Is the number of comments you guys made on all the posts!

    β€’ 200,000+: Is the number of visits during the blog’s 1st year!

    Let’s end it with Frank Sinatra singing “Happy Birthday” just for us! πŸ˜€

    Happy Birthday To You

    N.B: Two other posts will follow today, so stay tuned if you want to get those books! πŸ˜‰

    P.S: This birthday was due on February 10th, but I have been over-super-busy to prepare all this, so let’s settle for March 1st as official blog birthday!

  • A new era begins…

























    Welcome to your new home, my beautifuls! πŸ™‚ I don’t know if it shows, but I’m super-super-excited about the move! After all these years, and all the heated Twitter discussions, I have finally made it!

    My blog is now self-hosted, and I can play around with it as I please! πŸ™‚ Hope you like the new design (I know 2 or 3 of you who will be delighted to see the header has been changed :D)

    The major thanks goes to the loveliest Elie Khoury, who did the whole move in less than an hour – and supported me and gave me feedback, and who took my extreme nagging and worrying very positively, thus making the move possible with the most efficiency & fun! Thank you so much Elie!

    Now to all of you RSS subscribers, I’m going to please ask you to switch the blog URL from, to That’s 9 characters less – Save the Planet πŸ™‚

    With this, I wish you all a beautiful weekend. Here’s a song dedicated to you: I’m Sticking With You – The Velvet Underground. Enjoy!

  • Time to celebrate!



















































  • Overworked











































    I keep receiving emails and messages asking why I’m not posting a lot. Well, here’s the explanation πŸ™‚ So, my darlings, I hope you will be more understanding! I still have a load of work that I am happily finishing; will keep you updated! Here’s a song to brighten up your day: Trouble is a friend, by Lenka

  • Nataloo show (UNCUT!)



















































    Who puts a stair step atΒ the entrance of a door?!?! Good thing it wasn”t live! Since I can”t keep any secrets away from you, I decided to share with you this small mishap πŸ˜› Thanks again for all the support you gave on Twitter (and off, of course), I really enjoyed getting live feedback on the interview πŸ™‚ I was so worried they would not have cut out this part, and you were all watching… I”m so glad they did πŸ˜€ Here is the interview to those who missed it! (Notice how the part between entering the door and sitting in the salon is “missing!”)

    Part 1:


    Part 2:


    Thanks to Christine, Nathalie & all the team of the show who made this happen.

    Have a lovely long weekend, and happy adha to all concerned!! πŸ™‚

    P.S. As you see I have been slow in posting, because a lot has been happening the last month, and I am officially tired and REALLY need a break. I do hope you forgive me! Will still keep you updated in all cases, but just at a bit slower rate… Don”t forget that the will be going until Dec 22.

  • Distance is relative




























































    No matter what I do, I can’t seem to learn the exact limits of my car! And because 5 years ago a parking attendant told me to go back, and I trusted him and went back and ended up hitting the car behind me, I don’t ever trust parking attendants. But I know I need to work on this distance optical thing. Now I’m not sure if defining the car limits is really related to gender, but at least I’m fully aware that I do NOT know the limits of my car. πŸ™‚ And here’s a nice song to brighten up your Monday (More Than Words, Extreme), Enjoy! πŸ™‚

    (I MIGHT be slow in posting during this week because I have sooooo much to do [lecture+workshop-CC presentation-CCF exhibition- work], so please forgive me, I promise you’ll be on my mind all the time!)Β So here’s another song to express the situation I’m in (Under Pressure, Queen & David Bowie)