Category: Media

  • ‘Women shaping the economy’

    I got to do some illustration’s for ArabAd’s July issue cover story: Women shaping the economy. Very interesting report, highly recommended! Here are the illustrations for you to check out while I’m stuck in bed for the next 3 days with ‘acute amygdalitis’…

    And last but not least, here’s Neneh Cherry’s ‘Woman’. Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Blogging Arabnet.ME!









    [ Thank you to Omar Christidis, Samer Karam,ย Ibrahim Nehmรฉ, Sana Tawileh, & Amber Lauretta for the great work they’re doing!]


    For more info, visit Arabnet.ME website, blog &/or Facebook fan page! ๐Ÿ™‚

    And if you’ve got some ideas cooking, it’s not too late to submit! [they said the deadline passed, but just tell them I told you you can still submit ๐Ÿ˜‰ ]

    Download: Application Form, Registration Form & Sample Business Case!

    And as always, we end it with music ๐Ÿ™‚ Here’s Queen’s You Don’t Fool Me! Have a great businessy day ๐Ÿ˜‰

    You Don’t Fool Me

  • Defining Entrepreneurship

    This week’s comic for InteractiveME

    Yea I just had to say what I really think about the term “entrepreneur” being overused like that over the web.

    Check out PART 2 of “Defining Entrepreneurship”.

    Wish you a lovely day! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Buzz off! (+fanart#9)

    This guy has too much work, too many emails and an abundant inbox




    Sometimes, he gets distracted [by twitter birds]




    Well, nothing a CTRL + Q can't fix. Quit and focus back on work.



    Now, things will never be the same again...




    Google Buzz is IN your inbox and you can't quit it!

    I will be posting weekly tech-related comics on InterativeME website! That was the first one that was posted yesterday. Now seriously, what do YOU think about this whole Google Buzz thing?

    Before I leave you back to your busy days I want to share with you this beautiful fanart by Peno Mishoyan. Thank you SO MUCH Penig ๐Ÿ™‚ !!

    And last but not least, here’s the song of the day, by an artist whose music has charmed me for the past few days: Andy McKee ~ Africa.

    09 Africa

    Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Sunday updates

    No comic today: it’s Sunday. Instead, here are the latest TV interviews I participated to this week (yes I know it’s weird, 2 interviews in the same week!)

    The first was on BBC Arabic, and was about the blogging experience in Lebanon compared to other Arab countries. Here it is:

    For the full episode, check out fellow blogger Samer Karam’s post who was also interviewed.

    The other was on mtv and was about the blog, book, exhibitons, comics, illustrations and life. Here it is in 2 parts:

    Have a great Sunday! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Fanart#8 + interview

    Today I got interviewed along with Ayman Itani & Samer Karam on Future TV by Amer Tabsh, in Alam Al Sabah morning show. So I got to publicly express how Twitter & Facebook have brought me closer to you my darlings! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    And here’s a very touching illustrated strip I got from Rita.

    Fanart from Rita el Hajj

    I have one thing to say to you Rita…

    Thank you Rita!

    Hope you enjoyed the show, and here’s a jazzy tune for you to enjoy on a breezy Sunday (a big thanks goes to Abz who has been emailing me beautiful jazzy songs!) ย Lisa Ekdahl’s But Not For Me from her album ‘Heaven Earth & Beyond’. Cheers!

  • CCF exhibition


    Thank you to who have covered the CCF exhibition in their arts & culture page!

    โ€ข TรฉlรฉLiban

    Thank you to TรฉlรฉLiban who filmed at the exhibition and aired a report about it in their morning show “ุตุจุงุญ ุงู„ุฎูŠุฑ ูŠุง ู„ุจู†ุงู†”


    The exhibition is ongoing until Dec 22! So see you there ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Amalgam + Point, Ligne, Bulle in Femme magazine

    A big thank you to Jenny Saleh for both features! Reminder: The exhibition at CCF in ongoing until Dec 22, so if you did not visit yet, it’s not too late! ๐Ÿ˜‰ No posts today, as I am preparing you some “surprises” for the holiday season! Stay tuned!

  • Nataloo show (UNCUT!)



















































    Who puts a stair step atย the entrance of a door?!?! Good thing it wasn”t live! Since I can”t keep any secrets away from you, I decided to share with you this small mishap ๐Ÿ˜› Thanks again for all the support you gave on Twitter (and off, of course), I really enjoyed getting live feedback on the interview ๐Ÿ™‚ I was so worried they would not have cut out this part, and you were all watching… I”m so glad they did ๐Ÿ˜€ Here is the interview to those who missed it! (Notice how the part between entering the door and sitting in the salon is “missing!”)

    Part 1:


    Part 2:


    Thanks to Christine, Nathalie & all the team of the show who made this happen.

    Have a lovely long weekend, and happy adha to all concerned!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    P.S. As you see I have been slow in posting, because a lot has been happening the last month, and I am officially tired and REALLY need a break. I do hope you forgive me! Will still keep you updated in all cases, but just at a bit slower rate… Don”t forget that the will be going until Dec 22.

  • Q & A's for Agenda Culturel

    I was delighted to be the first artist chosen by Agenda Culturel to introduce their new section: illustrated Q & A’s. Here are the four questions and how I answered them. Go get the latest issue of L’Agenda Culturel for more ๐Ÿ™‚

    It’s in French, and because I love you a lot, I’ve translated them for you ๐Ÿ˜›

    Q1. Que vous apportent les rรฉactions des lecteurs de votre blog?

    (Q. What do the reactions of your blog readers bring you?

    A. “Haha! Let’s see what my darlings have to say about what I posted last night” They’re my daily bread. Their reactions encourage me, make me laugh & think. My readers are my darlings!)


  • Amalgam in Nahar Ashabab (Annahar)

    Article in Nahar Ashabab (Annahar youth supplement). Thank you Hanadi Deiri!



  • Illustrations + feature in ArabAd

    I was fortunate to meet Ghada Azzi, managing editor of ArabAd magazine at the book signing. We have since worked on illustrations for the ‘Advertising in Lebanon’ special report of October issue, along an extremely kind feature that Ghada wrote. Thank you so much Ghada for your invaluable support! I won’t keep you waiting too long, you’ll find below the illustrations for the special report along with the article and illustrated Q&A’s (you should get the magazine now for the extremely interesting content and report about Leb ad industry!). Have a wonderful day! ๐Ÿ™‚
































































    Illustrated Q&A’S

    โ€ข What do you hope to achieve through design?






    โ€ข What prompted you to publish the book?






    โ€ข How do you perceive the lack of opportunities in the design field in Lebanon?






    โ€ข Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?








    And finally, the article! ๐Ÿ™‚ (Click to enlarge)




