Birthday wish!

I have a small surprise/wish that I’d like to share with you! {Maybe next year will take the comics one step further? ;)}

[For relatively better viewing, click here > photo-passport for the Flash version, but resize your browser to the size of a youtube video :)]

Presenting: “Passport Photo… The [very sketchy] animated version!” [the vimeo below is low-quality]

Photo Passport [Maya’s Amalgam] from Maya Zankoul on Vimeo.

So in case you’re wondering, I just put this up together rather quickly, it’s been tempting me to see what an animated version of the comic would look like… What do you guys think?

[Credits: the soundtrack is Chick Corea’s Armando’s Rhumba]

I would also like to share this AMAZING visual sent by the lovely Naeema Zarif! (Click to enlarge) Check out her fantastic work in her Flickr stream. Well, if you’re wondering what Audrey is doing here, Naeema knows she’s my role model 😉


20 responses to “Birthday wish!”

  1. Jamal Avatar

    do i win?

  2. darine Avatar

    Maya, u’re spoiling us, the video is really fabulous (even the low res version)! Thank you for always drawing smiles on our cranky morning faces! Many more birthdays to AMALGAM 🙂

  3. Krikor Ohannessian Avatar

    This is what i was talking about when i proposed to have them animated.
    should you have a common splash page for all the coming videos, something like “amalgam presents bla bla bla”

    More life than scrolling down !!! + embedding option on other blogs (which means more spreading for your work)

  4. Wissam M Avatar
    Wissam M

    ouuuu I love it I love it I love it!!!
    10/10 for the video, it really brings something in addition to the standard comics 🙂
    keep up the good work!

  5. Wissam M Avatar
    Wissam M

    Happy Birhday!

  6. Wissam M Avatar
    Wissam M

    (you wrote it like that on your previous note :p)

  7. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by mayazankoul: Continuing with the celebration, here’s my birthday wish 🙂

  8. Talar Avatar

    happy birthday

  9. Naeema Avatar

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the animation ….

  10. Washi Avatar

    I love it…it’s fabulous 🙂

  11. M.MK. Avatar

    looool I LOVE it!
    You know that “roussoum mouta7arrira” on Future TV?
    I think you should do something like that on another Lebanese TV channel, it would be brilliant!

  12. Hasan Avatar

    Wow you even took care of your Vimeo player colors 🙂

    Very nice animation! You have a good future!

  13. ze2red Avatar

    Loved the animated comic. Looks like you will really be taking it to a whole new level 😉 keep it up.

  14. Rawan Avatar

    Happy Birthday !!

  15. Mimo Avatar

    hahahaha!!! Love it Mayyoush!!!! Happy birthday!!:P

  16. Mira Avatar

    Mayaaa!! i love it!! so cooll! 😀

  17. Ms. M Avatar

    Love it! (And the Vimeo version looked great for me.)

  18. Ahmad Osman Avatar
    Ahmad Osman

    1. Happy Birhday.
    2. Fabulous. I have always thought that your entries were animation material, and this trial was excellent. Very fun to watch, and yes, I agree with M.MK. that you might want to research the feasibility of taking your blog in this direction. If it could happen, it would be really great (though I would lose you, because I do not watch the TV).

    One note: I have always thought, and think, that your character has what it takes for – if I may improvise a generalisation – American-style animation, with smooth movement and speech and all. Of course, I understand that this requires a huge budget which we probably do not have in Lebanon.

  19. stephano mendelek Avatar
    stephano mendelek

    if u turn all ur comics into animations it might be a sucsessful tv series

  20. […] when I told you about my Birthday wish of turning Amalgam into an animated series? Well, it was actually a sample to submit to LBC to […]

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