Back! [But still shaking]

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Glad to be back, forgot how much I missed doing posts! A big thanks to Cafe Thawra, who made this trip possible. All about Geneva, the people, the food, and all, in the next post! Have a nice day! πŸ™‚


15 responses to “Back! [But still shaking]”

  1. Ahmad Osman Avatar
    Ahmad Osman

    Wahahahahahahhaa j’adore la Maya pirate.
    7amdellah 3assalΓ©emΓ©.

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ghassan Deeb. Ghassan Deeb said: Back! [But still shaking] […]

  3. Riham Avatar

    Hahahahah. I have heard that halakteh A CERTAIN SOMEONE on the flight back!!
    I did have a chocolate (well, maybe more than one :$) and it was DELICIOUS.

    Glad to have you back, lady!

    1. HommusBetheeneh Avatar

      “more than one :$” – correction: more than one $$

  4. Natasha Avatar

    missed you .. great to have you back!

  5. Micheline Avatar

    Soooo good to have you back… Really missed your posts πŸ™‚

  6. stephano mendelek Avatar
    stephano mendelek

    love to have you back

  7. Neo Avatar

    and most NOT watch anything on the National Geographic…you may bump into something called “Air Crash Investigation”

  8. annie Avatar

    Soo glad to have youback,missed your illustrations!!!!

  9. Rudy chisdiac Avatar

    ALAVYOUUUU you made my day u know?

  10. fadi Avatar

    hahaha i love it! i missed you too :))
    I love the pirate maya!! reminds me of les bandes dessinees asterix & obelix & that boat they always trash hehehe

  11. Simon Avatar

    First things first! Where’s my Swiss Knife and Chocolates (i’m not sharing :P) ?
    Its good to have ya back πŸ™‚

    1. Simon Avatar

      Didn’t ur sister fly back with you? she didn’t make it in this post hehehe πŸ˜‰

      1. Neo Avatar

        i can see that there’s Quite a big demand on Swiss Army Knives & Chocolates πŸ˜› *Hi-Five*

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