I was very disappointed to see the latest addition to our endless series of billboard elections. Why is the Lebanese woman always stereotyped to the fashion-victim bimbo? I personally did not identify with the billboards. I would like to see smarter women represented, who are not judged by the way they dress or the way they look, but for their ideas. Moreover, the statement accompanying the female-version billboard does not contain any hint of intelligence in it: she will vote for the color of her lipstick. What a wise choice! This is very repugnant. And please people don’t get all offended now I don’t have anything against your party 🙂 it’s just that I find those ads truly repulsive. Better for all parties to stop advertising themselves already, it seems like they’re out of ideas…
legaciesgiftshop wp-image-588″ title=”5-over” src=”https://mayazankoul.com/amalgam/amalgam/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/5-over.jpg” alt=”5-over” width=”434″ height=”462″ />
Yes Spring is my favourite season of all! I love the flowers and the colors and the music of the wind… Just this little drawback of mosquito bites! 🙂
I know it’s hard, but I’m sticking to my decision. I mean how hard can it be? One week of sleepiness and then that’s it. You’re free from the addiction. Anyway I’ll keep you updated if the experiment succeeds, or if I drink coffee again tomorrow morning 🙂
Enough. Is. Enough! I know it’s the elections, and I know that you all want to win, and I know that you’re doing the best to pass out your messages (Billboards, Radio, TV, internet, TELEPHONES! , greeting cards, etc.) But I think that by now, we all got your points very very clearly printed into our brains, and I mean it: no need for more propaganda. Let us miss you a bit, give us time to think about all the campaigns you’ve poured into our brain before the d-day! Ever heard of reverse psychology? You’re doing exactly what you should be doing if you wanted most of the population to go for the voting abstinence option. Just give us a break (at least give us Sunday off). Thank you.
Such a lovely song! Hope people will memorize the lyrics and use them to improve their roadly behaviors… On a side note, I’m still not figuring out how to add music to my wordpress, any advice is welcome.. trying smthg below, but its not working. anyway its bob dylan’s original beautiful song: blowin’ in the wind!
How much information can the human brain simultaneously carry? I wish there was some kind of external hard disk for our brains… Lately I have so much on my mind that my short term memory is not exceeding 3 seconds! Oh vacation where are you?
Wonderful news! The Silk Museum website is finally ONLINE… Oh, the reason I’m excited about it is because .. well take a guess 🙂 or go to www.thesilkmuseum.com, search for a clickable moth (somewhere at the bottom of the pages) you’ll see that the website is designed by moi ;).
But seriously now, we have a beautiful Silk Museum in Bsous (near Jamhour) that I advise each one of you to visit when you get the chance. It is a mixture of beautiful natural landscape, and old craftsmanship (or craftswomanship). An exhibition is currently held there, I’ll let you discover all about it on the website!
Have a splendid day!
Well, it was about time we removed all those semi-nudes female ads from the streets. What a joy to see them replaced with… Male hunks! It’s funny how our dear politicians are acting as models now. I must admit I just can’t used to the idea of driving in the streets and seeing semi-photoshopped political figures around instead of the semi-nude super model females. How far will you go for those stupid elections?
I’ve had SO MUCH work lately that I’m only spending time with my laptop! I miss humans, I miss real communication… This has to stop… In the hope that this week will be more relaxed.. Have a nice monday! (what a paradox, is that even possible? 😛 )
* The song I’m listening to is Nick Drake’s Northern Sky. Get his whole discography NOW.