ATMs & Sukleen union



















































It really bothered me seeing all those pieces of paper on the street in Jounieh (for a bank that I won’t name πŸ˜› )! Usually when ATMs are inside the bank, they have a trash can next to them (which minimizes the thrown tickets), but when the ATM is on the street, it can get really messy! Good thing we have Ella to calm us down πŸ™‚ Here’s a song dedicated to you! ‘It’s Only A Paper Moon’ by Ella Fitzgerald. Have a lovely day πŸ™‚


23 responses to “ATMs & Sukleen union”

  1. Lara the sis Avatar
    Lara the sis

    HAHAHAHAH the punishment measures are so funny, i love the metallic hands

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  3. Bissextile Avatar

    lool this is hilarious Maya! and you underline a good point as well! amazing as usual!

  4. ZuZ Avatar

    totally true! and take it from a bank employee, they actually have a small container to throw the receipts, but are emptied once a day! AND are really small!

    i loved the robotic hands, they seem as if they are molesting the customer at first know! touching him on the chest area and the other hand behind him :p

    According to The Green Book , if every one in the U.S. refused an ATM receipt, it would save a roll of paper large enough to circle the equator five times!

  5. Ahmad Osman Avatar

    Lol. Hilarious. If we had such ATM’s, we would overcome overpopulation in a matter of weeks.

  6. Wissam M Avatar
    Wissam M

    mouahaha 7assayta ra7 tekhla3o kaff :))))

  7. Colin Avatar

    Wonderful post as usual….BUT….I cry apostrophe abuse! (ATM’s) (!!?!!)

  8. Charbel Saad Avatar
    Charbel Saad

    Haha! Very hillarious πŸ˜€
    At first I had a feeling that the ATM’s robotic hands would slap the customer, then display an angry message on the screen saying “Pick it up!” while pointing at the crumbled ticket on the floor. I guess I just drifted too far, LOL!

  9. Tarek Avatar

    3ANJAD!!! I totally agree…

    Bass stupid SGBL doesn’t give you this option!!!

    (sorry any chance to b**** at that bank!)

  10. Fadi Avatar

    Yep, as ZuZ said it is an environmental issue as well. Why print out the balance of your account if you can check it on the ATM’s screen? Or why print out the transaction you just did if it is to throw it out?!

    It’s like when you are at the supermarket; why print out the receipt? They should ask first and I am sure that 75% of the people will say “no”.

    Receipt are made out of trees too!

  11. Marillionlb Avatar

    Do not request a ticket and use sms notification insted. That is what I do. I too thought that the arms were going to slap the offender πŸ™‚

  12. Joe friend of the Sister Avatar
    Joe friend of the Sister

    Funny you bring that up because I had always thought the same thing.. Actually, I emailed my bank a complaint in March, here’s a copy:


    I have been a customer of yours for a few years, and a unniversity student at AUB. I am just writing to you in order to point your attention to an issue which i think needs to be rectified. It has to do with your ATMs.

    Your ATM machines in all branches automatically print receipts for ALL transactions. If you pay attention you will notice that the boxes placed next to the ATM machines are always constantly full of the printed receipts, and several times I have come across branches where the ground around the ATM was covered with the receipts. The majority of people do NOT require nor want a receipt, and as a result it is costing you paper as well as labor hours cleaning up at times, which can be used more productively and avoided.

    Bank AUDI system, for instance, asks the customer if they would like a printed receipt. I strongly think you should adopt a similar approach.

    Thank you

    Their reply?:

    “Dear Mr. Khoury,
    I would like to thank you for your kind email and I want to assure you that
    your comment is more than appreciated.
    We will be considering this suggestion and working on it as soon as

    Best Regards,”

    8 months later… Nada!

  13. Mireille Avatar

    well i always wondered about receipts… i found the answer the day my friends forced me to “start budgetizing”

    it is hard to remember ur transactions , so you just collect the papers and at end of the month u do the math using excel

    but in this case , you need to keep the paper with u

    as for the printed papers, i think most of them are total account balances , not just receipt… as a database person , i would like to collect those and do a micro study about how much ppl have in banks πŸ˜›

    great post.. nshala the ones who read and throw , y7isso 3a damon

  14. mc Avatar

    hihihihi !!
    I thought that the arms were going to put the paper into the offender’s mouth πŸ™‚

  15. Paola Avatar

    LOL i thought the robot would slap the guy as well! πŸ™‚

  16. Greg Avatar

    So! Your idea of punishment for someone who litters is to throw them inside a machine full of money :p AHA! Excellent :pi

  17. Liliane Avatar

    I thought the hands were going to slap the guy! πŸ˜›

  18. Liliane Avatar

    oh apparently some others had the same thought! please make another version where they slap the guy, please please, i know you’re not violent πŸ˜› bass try lol

  19. Joseph Avatar

    Loved this post. Really funny.

    But I think people in general should be blamed… if they even cared, they would have held on to the Receipt and threw it in the nearby trashcan.

    I have just bought a mankouchΓ© from this place near my uni, and imagine my shock when I found about a dozen of wrappers and emptied juice bottles filling a seat next to the shop… The trash can was just a few steps away from the seat…

    So, in conclusion, people are just plain ignorant… me thinks anyway πŸ˜›

  20. Mohammed E. Moussa Avatar
    Mohammed E. Moussa

    Hahahahaha! I love that kind of extreme punishment measure! πŸ˜€

    I wonder if it can happen in reality. The ATM catches the paper-thrower and swallows him / her into the basement with some police fellows awaiting, who can punish the thrower with fines or with just a lovely night at the jail! πŸ˜›

  21. darinerachkidy Avatar

    well, after counting the votes, i think ya maya that u should re-do the punishment scene and slap that citizen because it is more fun and harmeful….hihihihihihi
    maybe when the ATM swallowed him he got to sit and enjoy tons of $$$$ bills inside…hehehe

  22. mich1mich Avatar

    Looool! Loved it. This post should be made into a poster. ALL banks should commission copies to be distributed and hung at ATM machine sites worldwide! :-))

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by mayazankoul: Ah! Finally, the ATM & Sukleen union is coming true! finally there’s trash bags near ATM machines #jdeideh #lebanon…

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