Apocalypse Now! (or Waiting for Godot)

















I can’t say I was disappointed the tsunami didn’t happen (or happened in the shape of a small splash on the shore). At least I got to sleep [ 😛 ], and many people got their homes & business saved. In the hope this is the last natural catastrophe to hit this planet 🙂 And the last time the media make a HUGE FAKE buzz. If only they were able to prevent the bigger disasters like Haiti’s…

Anyway, see you tomorrow with a BIG surprise 😉


6 responses to “Apocalypse Now! (or Waiting for Godot)”

  1. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by mayazankoul: @tinkeyeh @SanaTawileh I miss sunny and peaceful Hawaii. http://bit.ly/dmG38g

  2. zerolando Avatar

    In fact, Chile is a catastrophy waiting to happen, considering that it lies smack in the middle of the interesection of two very unstable tectonic plates. The strongest “ever recorded” earthquake was in Chile in 1950 and they expect for a much bigger earthquake to be hitting it in the future. Not sure how people dare live in that country :F but hey we’re an earthquake “High Hazard” area as well.

  3. Gaby Avatar

    Sure thing is that more and more people are talking about countless disasters and mega problems…I think the best thing is to focus on the things we care about, what we honestly want to happen…Imagine living in a “panic and frenzy” attitude…people can’t help but create a buzz about everything these days…

    BIG? SURPRISE??? well after seeing this post I have some doubts now…can it be THAT big?…we’ll see 😉

  4. jaraad Avatar

    Your blog is very creative! I liked it.
    Fake news is the reason that make people hooked on tv. The more people are scared the more they want to know the more they watch tv. And this of course is for the sake of tv companies that make big money out of it.
    Anyway, the world is safe now 🙂

  5. melicieuse Avatar

    with all the aid they all sent to Haiti….I wonder what will they do with Chile now, they made such big campaigns to help Haiti it should only be fair that Chile gets the same (the quake that hit Chile was stronger)…..I’ll wait and see what happens…..any charity concerts anything

  6. zerolando Avatar

    No offence Jaraad, the Media conspiracy theory is a bit outdated now.. The Earthquake phenomenon and in particular Chile’s case is well known “science” and scientists have been warning about this the same way they have been warning about “Global Warming” for more then 20 years now. Unless you also tend to think that “Global Warming” is also a media stunt?
    Good day

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