Alien invasion


























































I’m sure most of you heard the ‘latest news’ of UFO’s and aliens flying over Lebanon. They made a huge deal about them and featured them on national television, creating a fuss among the lebanese, who initially love making fusses about anything and everything. The result is endless facebook statuses and tweets crying about the alien attack, which, to start with, was probably a fire balloon or an optical illusion. Can we please get back to our senses and keep our eyes on more important issues?


27 responses to “Alien invasion”

  1. Lara the sis Avatar
    Lara the sis


  2. […] Alien invasion « Maya’s Amalgam – view page – cached I’m sure most of you heard the ‘latest news’ of UFO’s and aliens flying over Lebanon. They made a huge deal about them and featured them on national television, creating a fuss among the lebanese, who initially love making fusses about anything and everything. The result is endless facebook statuses and tweets crying about the alien attack, which, to start with, was probably a fire balloon or an optical illusion. Can we please get back to our senses and keep our eyes on more important issues? — From the page […]

  3. marillionlb Avatar

    “more important issues” like the long awaited birth of a new government? I would take the aliens anytime !

  4. Rain Avatar

    hahaha i didn’t hear of that 😛

  5. Jo Avatar

    I like Aliens! we want aliens now:@

  6. nadim messihi Avatar
    nadim messihi

    hahahahahaaa ! 😀

  7. nahil Avatar

    lol r u serious

  8. Wissam M Avatar
    Wissam M

    looooooool thanks for keeping us updated, I haven’t heard about this !!

  9. Liliane Avatar

    I agree with Marillionlb, aliens 1 – government 0 lol

  10. Liliane Avatar

    Wissam, most probably it is, but whoever let these chinese lanterns go up in the skies is not saying anything to shut the whole fuss about aliens, I think he’s sitting at home eating popcorn and laughing his ass off lol

  11. Paola Avatar

    Maybe someone saw Magie Farah and mistook her for an alien

  12. philippe Avatar

    we are very happy to meet you lebanese human beings

  13. Rami Avatar

    LOL I didn’t hear about that before! Now I’m watching the video.
    Maybe the aliens were here to express their opinion about the government formation?? w baddon wazir dawleh ilon 😀

  14. Luke Avatar

    I noticed your alien had wheels for legs. How does it navigate stairs?? Not much to worry about from these sinister beings methinks.

  15. […] the aliens were visiting our country and I didn’t know about it until today via Maya’s Amalgam blog! I believe they came to see what a miraculous place is it here, a country that can survive without […]

  16. nightS Avatar

    I just knew about this..LOL
    sha3eb fadi wallah!!

  17. sysini Avatar

    lol .. sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel 😛
    balloons 😀

    dont forget to join a new lebanese forum
    meet new people.. get any help u want in computer,web development, programming.. read new poems… read new stories.. general chat.. listen to music, watch lebanese guys playing wonderful music .. guitar.. keyboard.. electric guitar. .. pop .. R&B.. Metal

  18. sysini Avatar

    allah y3in hal sha3eb el meskin 😀

    dont forget to join a new lebanese forum
    meet new people.. get any help u want in computer,web development, programming.. read new poems… read new stories.. general chat.. listen to music, watch lebanese guys playing wonderful music .. guitar.. keyboard.. electric guitar. .. pop .. R&B.. Metal

  19. nayla Avatar

    hahahahaha! they were discussin it at work 2day 😛 surprisingly they really believe in aliens. hahahahahaha

  20. darinerachkidy Avatar

    i just knew about this too…looool
    why go for the hard assumption…go for the most likely to happen..masalan..neighbouring countries spying on us..??

  21. Liliane Avatar

    Nayla wait, seeing weird UFOs over antelias is something and believing in aliens is something else 😛 Who do you think built the pyramids? lol

  22. suz Avatar

    take me to ur leader earthlings.. hahaa

  23. dima tannir Avatar

    if people want to make a fuss out of something, your comic isnt going to change that. i liked your comic but the caption under it ruined it for me. do a little research, comic artists never justify their work.just because you think it’s an optical illusion, doesnt mean it is, so unless you have a definite answer on what those were, don’t say anything.we’re all entitled to our own opinions.

  24. George Avatar

    “Everyone’s quick to blame the alien” …. mish 7aram 🙂 leave them alone !!!!!!!!!!!! lol

  25. JimmyBean Avatar

    I don’t know If I said it already but …I’m so glad I found this site…Keep up the good work I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say GREAT blog. Thanks, 🙂

    A definite great read..Jim Bean

  26. Kelli Garner Avatar

    Really nice posts. I will be checking back here regularly.

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