A trip to the Cedars – II

This is a sequel to this 1st part



It’s cool to relive the ‘tourist’ experience in Lebanon every once in a while. Makes you fall in love with the country all over again! I wish I had more time to elaborate… But it’s back to real life & deadlines!

In other news, I was at Virgin Megastore yesterday, and here’s what i saw!!!!!!

I should say thank you to all of you who made this happen! Amalgam 2 is #5 in Virgin Top 20, 2 weeks after the launch! Calls for a special song to celebrate 😉 Enjoy!


11 responses to “A trip to the Cedars – II”

  1. Marillionlb Avatar

    You just brought back childhood memories of summer spent at Kousba and the daily trips to Salem.

    1. maya zankoul Avatar
      maya zankoul

      Glad to hear this! 🙂 Sounds like beautiful memories!!

  2. Jad Fahs Avatar

    3am fakir jeeb kteib “zawarib” , shaklo 7ilo :p

  3. Zeina Gabriel Avatar
    Zeina Gabriel

    Hello Maya 🙂
    I am starting to fall in love with your short stories and your short diaries 🙂 Why do you think that Lebanon or anything in life can be much more fun when we are only “visiting” ? Have a great day 🙂 and enjoy every breath 🙂
    Zeina 🙂

    1. maya zankoul Avatar
      maya zankoul

      Thank you so much Zeina! I guess it’s because you know it is temporary and it will end soon. So you enjoy it and take anything else off your mind. But when you know you’re there for a long time, the daily issues start to hassle you…

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rabih Elkhodr, Rabih Elkhodr, Raafat Hamze, Maya Zankoul, Maya Zankoul and others. Maya Zankoul said: RT @sdarine: Great to see that @MayaZankoul' s Amalgam is in the Virgin Top 5 http://ht.ly/2rHj8 […]

  5. Rudy chidiac Avatar

    hihih lol thats amazing hope you had fun im from somewhere there ^^
    haha @ spice girls <3 memories..

    1. Misho Avatar

      U should remember me mr chidiac with that song 😛
      Gr8 trip i’ll consider going there XD

  6. Hommus Betheeneh Avatar
    Hommus Betheeneh

    7 comments so far wtf I mean wth! Kell el ha22 3al kahraba el ZIFT!
    anyway I presume that,
    (1) You’re a barbie girl, in a baribie wooooooorld! Life in plastic, it’s fantastic…
    (2) Men hajm el bouza we can tell that someone is really fej3an wahaha 😀
    yAllah we’re waiting for part III

  7. darinerachkidy Avatar

    loooooooooool the song-problem solving …!
    heheheh i used to like spice girls!!

  8. George kozma Avatar
    George kozma

    dear Maya, i saw your great work in cc iftar damascus and as i liked so much,
    good job, go ahed

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