A pleasant encounter







































































































































































































I was pulled over by a stuuupid darakeh (policeman) today just because I was asking an adjacent car for directions in the middle of the TRAFFIC! (meaning that the cars were stopped anyway!). At first I thought he stopped us because the car I was addressing didn’t have a plate number, but as it turns out “I” was the source of his problems, while he let the non-plate-car go. Very efficient I must say. After investigating and checking my papers, and asking endless questions about why I want to go to horsh tabet, he eventually laughed at me saying I wasn’t close, and let me go. All that, and I was late already. What a beautiful encounter it was!

I think this is going to be my last post before the signing, so I hope to see you all at the signing, can’t wait to get to meet you! I now have to prepare the cookies and candy and marshmallows,  as well as the posters that will be hung around the room (yes, yes like a small exhibition). Don’t forget, if you need directions you can check the map here or, in worst cases you can call this number 03 866 007, but I cant guarantee an answer 😛 With that, I wish you the loveliest of days, in the hope to see you tomorrow! 🙂


11 responses to “A pleasant encounter”

  1. Ahmad Osman Avatar

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr damn them stupid gorillas. Lame excuses for men. Undereducated, insolent, imbecile creatures who cannot mind their own affairs and who always miss the point. I cannot believe my security as a Lebanese lies in the hands of these narcissistic philistines.

  2. JOBOX Avatar

    LOL sooo funny inou el darakeh zaki LOL
    i like it ! hope hhe will read this one day!

  3. D.R.Bouloot Avatar

    i agree with jobox comment…but hey “he is not close” to reading .., not even to control traffic…hihihhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    i like the way he was standing when he thought he discovered a “moukhattat khatir” and when he shouted for ur papers…that was amazingly illustrated..sooo true…ouahahahahaaaaaa
    yalla C U at the book signing event

  4. EZ Avatar

    HAHA!! you and cops 😛 its not the first time!

  5. Omar Avatar

    I’m pretty sure you were the cause of the traffic in the FIRST place! Miss IDrive10KMperHourOnTheExtremeLeftOfTheRoad !

  6. Wissam Avatar

    just use your famous finger next time 😛

  7. The IngZz Avatar
    The IngZz

    HAHAHA! holeh darak Libnein :D:D! shou ya ashtaa ma3 tsoufour?:P, it really happens with me! how nice 😀

  8. Thomas Avatar


  9. Lara the sis Avatar
    Lara the sis

    HAHAHAHAHAHA seriously you and cops
    I second emile

  10. Nour K Avatar

    HAHAHA, God that was a good one Maya! I swear, sometimes our lives are like movies… it’d have made a hilarious scene! 😉

  11. SamSoum Avatar

    I Floor the idea.. BUT… i refuse the critic
    i mean the guy (el darake:P) is just doing his job 😛 …
    beautiful lady …. sweet talented girl.. yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhh..wut the heck… ill pick on her a bit 😛 lol

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