A new era begins…

























Welcome to your new home, my beautifuls! πŸ™‚ I don’t know if it shows, but I’m super-super-excited about the move! After all these years, and all the heated Twitter discussions, I have finally made it!

My blog is now self-hosted, and I can play around with it as I please! πŸ™‚ Hope you like the new design (I know 2 or 3 of you who will be delighted to see the header has been changed :D)

The major thanks goes to the loveliest Elie Khoury, who did the whole move in less than an hour – and supported me and gave me feedback, and who took my extreme nagging and worrying very positively, thus making the move possible with the most efficiency & fun! Thank you so much Elie!

Now to all of you RSS subscribers, I’m going to please ask you to switch the blog URL from mayazankoul.wordpress.com, to mayazankoul.com. That’s 9 characters less – Save the Planet πŸ™‚

With this, I wish you all a beautiful weekend. Here’s a song dedicated to you: I’m Sticking With You – The Velvet Underground. Enjoy!


29 responses to “A new era begins…”

  1. Mohammad Badi Irshid Avatar

    enshalallah alf alf alf mabrouk .. great to see you publishing on a self-hosted blog. this is very cool. I have received your latest wordpress blog post via email with a “click here” .. it was really surprising to see this blog.
    Congratulations on the new blog.

  2. Youssef Chaker Avatar
    Youssef Chaker

    Just FYI, your feed URL is still the same as the old one, the actual RSS URL is http://feeds.feedburner.com/MayasAmalgam so make sure you updated you feedburner settings to pull from the correct place now after the move.
    I looked at the source for your feedburner page and it has this little nugget:

    which means it’s still pulling from the old site πŸ™‚

  3. Marilou Avatar

    mabroukssssssssssssssss!!!!! πŸ™‚

  4. JOESBOX Avatar

    YES i loved the new header and all the new page is great
    Great work!

  5. darinerachkidy Avatar


  6. Lara Z Avatar

    LOOL I like the historical intro, mabrouk sis:D

  7. darinerachkidy Avatar

    BTW…..nice hairdo …hehehehe

  8. Julia Avatar

    Mabrouk el na2lΓ© πŸ˜‰

  9. Tarek Avatar

    Hmmm, not sure if it’s just me, but Google Reader refuses to acknowledge changing to your new blog… I remove the old link and add http://mayazankoul.com/ and yet it keeps pulling the RSS feeds from wordpress…

    Am I doing something wrong, or are you?!

    (mabrook ill na2leh in all cases:))

    1. rouba Avatar

      This has happened to me too… :-S
      Any update on that issue?

      1. maya zankoul Avatar
        maya zankoul

        hey guys! i fixed the issue.. pls let me know if u still encounter any pbs.

      2. Tarek Avatar

        Cool! Yeah it works if I click on the RSS link on your main page and it redirects me to steps to adding it into my Google Reader feeds… However, if I just copy paste the link and Add it to my subscriptions manually on Google Reader, it takes me to the wordpress thing! Anyways, for me it’s solved, but I’d say have a reminder on your old blog in a couple of days that the blog moved… πŸ™‚

        (and why don’t we get notified when you respond to comments?!?! (am I being a spoilt brat and asking for too much!! :p If so, sorry!!))

  10. Wissam Avatar

    mabrouk !!

  11. Washi Avatar

    Mabrouk – I love it! πŸ™‚

  12. mc Avatar

    mabrouuuuuuuk πŸ™‚

  13. zerolando Avatar

    Mabrouk Maya!
    one single note though :
    Se dice “mi casa es tu casa” , pero poco importa.
    No te enfades, es una broma.

    1. rouba Avatar

      Actually “Mi casa es su casa” is also acceptable πŸ™‚ It is the formal version of the greeting addressed to “usted” πŸ˜‰

      1. zerolando Avatar

        True ruba except you forgot one important thing.
        You forgot to read the next line “No te enfades, es una broma.”
        I just made the comment cause i thought its funny, you know Maya being so formal and all . Its just not her …

      2. rouba Avatar

        TouchΓ© πŸ˜‰ lol

  14. rouba Avatar

    Brand new cool design, Same great fun πŸ˜‰

    Congrats & Best of Luck!! πŸ™‚

  15. Ahmad Osman Avatar
    Ahmad Osman

    Mabrouc, and best wishes.

  16. ze2red Avatar

    congrats on your new move πŸ˜‰
    loved the whole personal look.

    1. ze2red Avatar

      every time i keep updating my reader with the new url, it keeps getting back to the old blog πŸ™

      1. maya zankoul Avatar
        maya zankoul

        i fixed this! pls let me know if u still encounter any pb subscribing to this blog…

  17. Riham Avatar

    Mabrouuuuuuuuuuk!! Aww look at your blog, all grown up and independant!
    RSS feed updated! So happy for you.

  18. Zouzeta Avatar

    πŸ™‚ lovely

  19. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tamara Abu Ghoush. Tamara Abu Ghoush said: A new era begins… http://bit.ly/aylSr9 […]

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