Summon the rain











So… What do you think? Will it or will it not rain this year? Let’s all meet at Martyr Square in DownTown Beirut on December 1st and do the rain dance if the weather didn’t change already. Other than that, have a wonderful day! Tomorrow, December wallpaper πŸ˜‰ See you around

12 In The Rain


24 responses to “Summon the rain”

  1. khalil Avatar

    or we could all wash our cars at the same time…generally works for me.

    1. maya zankoul Avatar
      maya zankoul

      Hahahaha! Totally agree!!

  2. Ali Avatar

    I LOOOOOOOOVE the soundtrack! It’s from “Howl’s Moving Castle”, no?
    On another note, let’s all pray for rain. I don’t think it’s a subject to be treated light heartedly or scornfully.
    Oh well, keep your posts rolling. We miss reading them on a more frequent basis =)

    1. maya zankoul Avatar
      maya zankoul

      Thank you Ali! Yes it’s from Howl’s OST!! πŸ™‚ ENJOY

  3. KJ Avatar

    LOOOOOOOOOL! Ya3ni it rained in Dubai, ma32ool not in Beirut?!

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sharjah Book Fair, Qwaider Planet. Qwaider Planet said: Summon the rain #Personal #Rain #Weather (@MayaZankoul) Maya's Amalgam β†’ […]

  5. Najib Avatar

    It should start raining on December 4th. I texted Michel Hayek and he told me so.

  6. Najib Avatar

    By the way, how did you have time to remove your nail polish between the first and 2nd and 3rd pictures ? lol

    1. maya zankoul Avatar
      maya zankoul

      It must’ve been a divine intervention!

    2. Riham Avatar

      Wow, attention to detail! haha

  7. Mireille Avatar

    awhhahahaha let’s do it anyway πŸ˜€ mass dancing in DT – shu bas flash mob πŸ˜› – serious

  8. Khaled Hakim Avatar

    In Jordan, the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, has published an article in the Jordan Times asking for Istisqa2 Prayers (rain inducing ritual) to be held on Thursday. The whole region is feeling the lack of love from clouds. I think what would do it, as the first commenter suggested, is a “car-wash” en masse.

    If you do decide to do the rain dance in Martyr Square, make sure to take pics.

    1. Hommus Betheeneh Avatar
      Hommus Betheeneh

      Yeah! πŸ˜€

  9. Maria Avatar

    Maya i am a big fan of yours ,your blog is amazing and your ideas are very creative .good luck ,and hopefully good luck with the rain dance ,i am not in Lebanon so i wont be able to join πŸ™‚ .

  10. Danielle Avatar

    For real! Where is the raiiiiin!

  11. Simon Avatar

    Good one Maya πŸ™‚

    Is there a “Summon the SNOW” dance? i really really really want snow when i’m in lebanon in december and january!

    let it snow… coz all i wan’t for christmas, is snow πŸ™‚

  12. shana Avatar

    hey maya!
    well actually, with a group of friends, we thought about doing an actual collective dance rain next week on december 8 in downtown Beirut.
    it would be a great opportunity to get together and also a wake up call on all what is going on with our climate.

    So how about we seriously work to make that happen?
    A help from you would be enormous!
    this is the facebook event link

    Let it rain!

    1. maya zankoul Avatar
      maya zankoul

      That’s fantastic! I’m totally in πŸ˜€ I hope it doesn’t rain before though πŸ˜›
      Will post about it in tomorrow blog post! Cheers

      1. shana Avatar

        oups!december 10th

        and a million thanks

  13. Irène H. Avatar
    Irène H.

    I would love to see the “RAIN DANCE” – may be we could learn from you and dance for Sunshine πŸ˜‰
    Here its snowing and snowing …. real winter time.
    Greetings to Lebanon

  14. Iman Avatar

    Rain is on the way starting this saturday… and a huge drop in Temperature.
    These are the latest weather forcasts news….. we hope so!!
    Christmas is near! if there is No rain, no cold and no snow means NO COZY CHRISTMAS!!!

  15. Mounira Al-Halabi Avatar

    It Will Never Rainnnnn!! I hate this weather!

  16. Nour Mcdad Avatar
    Nour Mcdad

    OK ..guys..please stop the rain sure your dance caused this storm..pleasssseee……stoppp…7arram fei people are homeless ..yala lets dance the sunshine dance now.. πŸ™‚

    1. M.Halabi Avatar

      No!! The homeless can come to my house and the kittens too! but please no sun no sun!

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