Killing time

we all complain about not having "enough time"










I guess that I’ve been feeling in dire need of more and more time everyday to finish all the things I want to do. So I decided to make the most of all those hours wasted everyday because of glitches in our daily life! I won’t comment about that I’m slow in posting, because a blog is just like a person, sometimes just too busy, sometimes too moody to post every other day, so I hope you understand! πŸ™‚

And here’s the positivity-spreading, day-brightening ‘Here Comes The Sun’ by the Beatles–can’t get enough of this song! Have a lovely day πŸ™‚

18 Here Comes The Sun_The Inner Light [Transition]


14 responses to “Killing time”

  1. HommusBetheeneh Avatar

    Heeeeey! Isn’t that the plumber that insisted on letting you call the price?!

    Yeah it saddens me to know that Lebanese people don’t read. I go down to school daily with a bunch of people coining their blackberries or whatever, and plunging their earphones real hard… And I would just wish that they listen to real music for once!

    Point well made, read anything, the newspaper, a magazine, a book, just READ d*** it!

  2. Nahil Avatar

    wala ya Maya i am loving the positive vibe you’re spreading out ! thats the only way we can live πŸ˜€ great and books are just amazing living in different worlds.

  3. Chantal Avatar

    and i think once you start reading a book, u’ll be waiting impatiently to know the ending…so u’ll definitely find time πŸ˜‰

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Qwaider Planet, John Hanna, John Hanna, Chantal Akkary, Razmig and others. Razmig said: RT @MayaZankoul: How do you deal with your 'dead'-time? […]

  5. ABIR Avatar

    mdr!!!!cΓ© vrai parfois il faut agir autrement ;deja j”ai fait un planing pour cette etΓ© pour lire des livres , je devrai lire 2 livres par mois !!!bs fi chi kamen ta t2ider t3wed halak 3ala el ktab helow inou tla2i hada tetchaja3 ma3ou w t2rou ichya mouchtaraki w tetna2achou 3liha hik bi sir el 2rayi 3anda hadaf ahsan!!!!!!have a nice day every body

  6. TY Avatar

    Lovely!! I finally will have time to read my Magy Farah book (and that’s what lebanese read, average 0.5 book a year, including horoscopes and cooking books.)

  7. Simon Avatar

    Awesome!!! love it πŸ™‚ great post! i will remember this one for as long as i’m waiting in queues and specially waiting for my car! hehehe

    by the way, how cool is ABIR’s comment? French (which i didn’t understand a word from) to Arabic, ending with English… man i love lebanon πŸ™‚ hehehe

  8. Tatouz Avatar

    Nice post Maya!

    I use to read at school and university, and always got incredible reactions …. “yiiii haraaaammm… ma3oul….. chou bekeh 3am te’reh !!
    enno chou?? 3ayb ??? as if it was shameful!!!

    Do you think it’s related to the fact that reading = spending some time alone and that Lebanese may handle that badly… ?? we have a constant need to be surrounded/ to shout / to make sure everybody heard us, saw us etc…. a book looks “softer”

    Anyway good job!

  9. Qifa Nabki Avatar

    shoo mbayan Abu Michel sa7ib ma7al parking? πŸ˜‰

  10. Riham Avatar

    I think you parked at the parking next to my house. I now leave 15 minutes before I actually have to leave to give him time to make way for my car.
    I once told him I had to go pick up my sister from the airport (which was true). He blocked my car anyway. With another car that doesn’t work. And he didn’t have the keys. I’ll stick to the normal reaction rather than the enhanced one. πŸ˜›

  11. annie Avatar

    Hehe yaaa the usual reaction in a country where they use ,honey don’t give the keys to anyone ,even in the parking , don’t trust anyone in this country ,lock your car while driving and everything will be fine

  12. Georgia Avatar

    I think Tatouz has a point there – reading a great book in the corner must mean you can’t find anyone to talk (shout) to, for some people at least. Liking your stuff, Maya.

  13. darinerachkidy Avatar

    well it’s a great idea to better prepare for my finals…heheheh

  14. […] You can see previous Internet naggings I’ve done here & here. […]

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