Defining Entrepreneurship #2

Web entrepreneur: I spend my days browsing "websites" in order to eventually get hit by a brilliant idea that has already been implemented 10,000+ times.



Green entrepreneur: i know how to seize every single opportunity be it mountain climbing or scuba diving



tech entrepreneur: i got an ipad before you!



social entrepreneur: we used to call it PR but the terminology was changed to fit the entrepreneurship era



Music entrepreneur: my latest clip "hobbak nar" was a revolution in the arabic music biz. i had the brilliant idea of bathing in corn flakes. it was the right thing to do, my song has been top 1 since.

Got more ideas? share away! :-)

[NB: This post (& the previous one) are criticizing the way the  concept of “entrepreneurship” has been overused & abused on the web lately, in the Arab world specifically. Yet it does not deny in any way the existence of  “true entrepreneurs” who work/have worked very hard and of whom we are extremely proud 🙂 ]

The content of this post was “crowdsourced over a friendly chat in Cafe Younes. And that was today’s lesson in Entrepreneurship 101! On a lighter note, the whole “entrepreneurship” parodies happening on Twitter are extremely hilarious, thank you #Maniachi team for adding laughter to our feeds everyday 🙂

I’ll now leave you with the music of an artist I only discovered yesterday thanks to Raafat Hamze (who also happens to have great writings on his blog).

Have a lovely day! 🙂


10 responses to “Defining Entrepreneurship #2”

  1. Tarek Avatar

    Hahahaha… Tres funny (well not Mark Zukerbergerishwhatever, cause I like Facebook! :))

    But yeah, OOH I GOT THE iPAD!! Typical!! 🙂

  2. […] This post was Twitted by MeXp_sy […]

  3. Ghassan Yonis Avatar

    Social entrepreneurship is about creating innovative ways to help people. Just wondering how’s that a PR?

  4. My Million Company Avatar

    It’s true, entrepreneurship is a keyword, so meanful les

  5. […] See the original post:  Defining Entrepreneurship #2 | Maya's Amalgam […]

  6. CAbN Avatar

    Very nice work… hilarious… exactly the spirit…
    Thanks from all of us for the mention.
    The Maniachis

  7. darinerachkidy Avatar

    anjad ur sketching of the 1st /web entrepreneur is prettier than the real pic…hahahahahahah…he is so féchil

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by mayazankoul: And here’s another trial to define #entrepreneurship! What are the different types of #entrepreneurs?…

  9. Ali B Avatar

    “He is so fechil”… Ya 2allah ma 2ahdamik darine.. ma b2illik ya3neh..

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