Defining Entrepreneurship

This week’s comic for InteractiveME

Yea I just had to say what I really think about the term “entrepreneur” being overused like that over the web.

Check out PART 2 of “Defining Entrepreneurship”.

Wish you a lovely day! πŸ™‚


13 responses to “Defining Entrepreneurship”

  1. Ahmad Osman Avatar
    Ahmad Osman

    Really savvy, but pray, why are all your entrepreneurs male?

  2. […] Original post:Β  Defining Entrepreneurship | Maya's Amalgam […]

  3. rouba Avatar

    WaoW! We had a conversation about that the other day πŸ™‚ I couldn’t really understand how people defined that word and based on what argument(s) they believed they could be labelled as “entrepreneurs”… Now I know! LOL!! πŸ˜€

  4. Saad Al Dosari Avatar

    I believe you are right Maya … it is overly used, and not only that, it is misunderstood as well!

  5. Hala Desuqi Avatar

    hahahah Well I guess we are on the same page lady, I have been analyzing the trend for a long time now!! welcome to the entrepreneurship era

  6. shana Avatar


    – i use to work as a slave in a big shot bank in London, or worse, Dubai, and have been affected by the crisis, ie;fired..”it’s ok, am in control, time to become an entrepreneur”.

    – i’m a hot lady in my 20s that design jewelry or bags..better known as a young entrepreneur.

    – f*** the system, we only live one is bossing me ever! I am my own boss; I am an entrepreneur.

    – the gold digger: salaries will never make me a fortune, i have to open my own business..i will start by selling waterproof scotch tapes..

  7. melicieuse Avatar

    hilarious and so true, i even heard a new by-product the other day “entrepreneuse” AKA lady entrepreneur

  8. darinerachkidy Avatar

    loooooooooollll….he is either a looser, a PD, a nonchalant, a zero-motivation/below zero effort to find or to succeed in a job, a fils Γ  papa, or ghannouj mamma…..u name it
    the best way to interpret his job description is to see his picture or see him in person heheheheheh
    nice one maya..anjad

  9. zerolando Avatar

    I have to admit that among the young entrepreneurs I’ve seen , you’re one of the few who are actually getting somewhere. Most of the others seem to be stuck in the “I’m so hip mode” or in the slightly better “conference mode” (yes all they seem to do is attend conferences while their business goes nowhere).
    But we can’t generalize. There is in fact a mix of young people that are indeed true entrepreneurs and do get things done.
    Good day

  10. Mira Avatar

    now I c y u don’t wanna become one πŸ˜‰

  11. Neo Avatar

    Bleh….in my opinion “you don’t SAY you are one… BECOME one….*in the eyes of Others of course*…”
    i mean…it’s a Concept, People….Not a TREND! :'(

  12. […] This post (& the previous one) are criticizing the way theΒ  concept of "entrepreneurship" has been overused & abused on the […]

  13. Bethany (Dirty Kitchen Secrets) Avatar

    So funny I was thinking this a few months ago too when a (Lebanese) friend confidently nominated himself as an entrepreneur upon coming up with an idea for a venture and before it was even launched!! People really wanting an easy ride these days!

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