February goodies

Because I love you THAT MUCH, I decided to giveaway monthly wallpapers (that also double as a calendar) for download! This month I was kind of short on time (since February started yesterday) so I just have one option, with a very important message for you 😉 Until the next month, let’s do some downloading!

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1280 x 1024

1440 x 900

1600 x 1200



10 responses to “February goodies”

  1. nightS Avatar

    Smashing Magazine accepts wall paper submissions every month..did you consider submitting your wallpaper (instantly downloaded by the way) there?
    Check the latest submissions: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/01/31/desktop-wallpaper-calendar-february-2010/
    You’d get listed easily!!

  2. rouba Avatar

    goodies goodies goodiiiiiiezzzzz!!!!!
    me ♥ maya’z’goodies 😉
    thx! 😉

  3. Washi Avatar

    Wonderful! Thanks Maya!!

  4. rain Avatar

    that is actually sweet of you ! *hugs*

  5. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by mayazankoul: Who wants to download some February goodies? 😀 http://bit.ly/90U9QU #amalgam #wallpapers…

  6. Grace Avatar

    i should say that your page is one of the home pages i check every day especially when i really need to smile :)))
    and thank you for the calendar page… the 14th is my bday as well so i can say this is the first (or the second to be honest) gift i get this year hehehe
    cheers and thank you for the smiles! :)))

  7. suzan Avatar

    Thanks maya! this is gonna be my desktop wallpaper this month.. My sister and I love you 😀

  8. darine Avatar

    Maya, What a fantastic idea!

  9. darinerachkidy Avatar

    so creative of u…i was amazed…bravo!!

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