The kissing predicament
















































Seriously! It’s the same story EVERYTIME! How am Β I supposed to know if it’s one or two or three? You always end up having to throw a “oh hehe I give 3 kisses Lebanese style!” or “oh! hehe you want to greet Lebanese style?” I guess it’s better to just stop greeting people completely πŸ˜›

Oh!! First post of 2010 πŸ˜€ HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU MY DARLINGS, love you so much πŸ™‚ And because I do, here’s a song (that I absolutely adore) Β dedicated to you to start your year with πŸ™‚ Kiss Me, by Sixpense None The Richer – it’s a classic!



30 responses to “The kissing predicament”

  1. Samerron Avatar

    This is so true, Maya. I always tend to have this trilemma…!
    My solution is one of the two. If the person is a good friend of me, I’ll sure do the 3-type, even if he or she doesn’t want…lol, I just force them.
    If its someone I don’t know, I do the process slowly to see what are their internetions πŸ˜‰
    Hope that helps…

    By the way, nice choice of song… I love this song especially in the morning.


  2. Ahmad Osman Avatar

    Oh but this is soo true. Yes yes. Yes.

  3. Darine Sabbagh Avatar

    And I thought I was the only one going through this πŸ™‚

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  5. Ekios Avatar

    They solved this issue a long time ago in Russia … : French kiss for all.

    Have a good one Maya πŸ˜‰

  6. Nadine Avatar

    reminds me of Fadi Haddad’s delightful film πŸ™‚ XOXO

  7. Lara Z Avatar

    hahahahhahaha I was a strong witness of Rami’s incident

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by mayazankoul: The kissing predicament… What to do?

  10. simon tadros Avatar
    simon tadros

    french kisss is the solution

  11. moodz Avatar

    Well I kiss my very good friends only once and the people i don’t really know 3 times (in a “formal” way).

    It’s like the difference between wearing shorts & flip flops and wearing a suit. The suit is the “3 times”!

  12. darinerachkidy Avatar

    ur not the only one…heheheh
    who invented the 2-kisses greetings anyway???
    what about the “almost touching cheeks greeting” …u don’t only feel a fool u even feel u suffer of a leprosy!

  13. annie Avatar

    Yiiiiiiii I love the kissing and hugs season ,who cares if it’s 3 ,2 ,1 hehe

  14. annie Avatar

    I absolutely adore The kiss me song by six pence none the richer

  15. Nour K Avatar

    HAHAHA this ALWAYS happens to me!

  16. nahil Avatar

    ooo i remember that confusion πŸ˜€ use to happen all the freakin time! eh mafi solution habibe 7asab kel wa7ad iza Mr Rami hamo ken be2e kissing u 3 . 4 . . 5 . . depends 3al relation :p

  17. Washi Avatar

    I just went through this today! πŸ˜‰

  18. Thierry B. Avatar
    Thierry B.

    3 kisses for you and I wish you a Happy New Year !

  19. mc Avatar

    french kiss c’est un nombre pair en gΓ©nΓ©ral :
    2 ou 4 selon la rΓ©gion

    lebanese kiss c’est 3 !!

    et lebanese kiss aprΓ¨s expat c’est 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 selon le pays, la rΓ©gion, la ville, l’humeur !!!

  20. kamelasmar Avatar

    You should thank GOD they are only 3 in Lebanon! Here in Jordan we have one on a side and a hundred on the other side! You don’t when to stop kissing πŸ™‚

  21. madbysh Avatar

    kiss me more more more, hug me squeeze me.stop it it hurts.
    love you in the winter love you in the rain love the smile you have and the red shiny lips of hell~~~ its a song about being in the restroom and have a nice day πŸ™‚

  22. rolf Avatar

    There is also the right-left predicament, where do you start? what if you both move to the same side? Classic.
    I prefer hugging!

  23. Mowie @ Avatar

    Wow – such an adorable blog! I’ve just spent an hour here and I need to go to bed now, so I’ve subscribed. Great find – can’t wait for more.

  24. Patria Avatar

    I’m laughing like crazy at the offiiiiiice! I hate uuuuu!

  25. Rasha Avatar

    hahahaa. whats even worse is if the person sees that u reached for the third kiss. then its time for that awkward weird dance that happens with both of you moving back and forth in confusion abt that last kiss! time slows down to a complete (and awkward) stop!

  26. Wissam Avatar

    It gets more complicated when you kiss/ greet someone from Jordan.

    The Jordanians do 1 kiss on one cheek, the 2, 3 and 4 on the other. So a Lebanese kissing a Jordanian would switch back to the 1st cheeck after the 2nd kiss on the other cheek, but the Jordanian would still persist on the 3rd and 4th kiss on the same 2nd cheek. So as you move back to the 1st cheek and as they would pull you back to remain on the same cheek more often than not you end up french kissing.

  27. Sarin Avatar

    yea Maya it’s rly hard to know if u shuld kiss 2 or 3 times… it has hapened with me 2! πŸ˜›

  28. Dima Avatar

    Hey Maya,
    First of all, I want to congratulate you for all of your success, you’ve earned it!
    And second of all, that’s such a great post, i loved it hahaa!
    See you around πŸ˜‰

  29. Waf Avatar

    loool ! here is my solution to this:

    one kiss for close friends with semi hug (using on arm)
    two for semi close friends with a hand shake
    three for relatives only
    hand shakes for strangers and forgieners


  30. mandy Avatar

    sob7an allah ……..!!
    while i was reading maya’s tasleem 3la rami…., my friend RAMI went online!!! :O !!!!! Ohh.myFreakin’Hell …..!!!

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