Bloggers uncovered!





























This short post is to say thank you to RFI (Philippe Couve, Pierre Haski, & Eric Scherer), Nathalie & David from Chroniques Beyrouthines, and all of you who made it to T-Marbouta for today’s bloggers’ meeting! It was great to get to know you all in real and discuss all the top secret matters!

Here is Blogging Beirut’s photo rendition of the event. Here is Beirut NTSC’s comment on the event. Here is Rue89’s review of the event. And here is Plus961’s summary of the event. Last but not least, for more accurate and relevant details, check Hummus’s review about the event 😀

Who was there?,,,,,,,,,,,

(sorry if I missed anyone let me know and I’ll add it).

Have a great day! 🙂


25 responses to “Bloggers uncovered!”

  1. […] Bloggers uncovered! « Maya’s Amalgam – view page – cached This short post is to say thank you to RFI (Philippe Couve, Pierre Haski, & Eric Scherer), Nathalie & David, and all of you who made it to T-Marbouta for today’s bloggers’ meeting! It was great to get to know you all in real and discuss all the top secret matters! — From the page […]

  2. RFI Rue89 new media meetup at T Marbouta…

    link to Maya Zankoul’s rendition of the meetup… spot on!

    tags: beirut, hamra, lebanon, meetup, blogsphere, new media, plus961, onoffbeirut, t marbouta, rue89, rfi, almaza, open discussion

  3. fink ployd Avatar

    hat tip – well captured moment 🙂

    here’s a photosnap of the blogsphere meetup

  4. qussa Avatar

    It was so nice to see you in real life! Although I doubt I’m as blonde as that ;0

    (btw you did draw me but my blog is not on the list…)

  5. Krikor Ohannessian Avatar

    i missed the meet-up yesterday, i blame Samer for it (i am kidding) he usually announces such meet-up so loudly but this time he did not.
    Samer you look so gorgeous in Maya’s illustration!!!

  6. Darine Avatar

    HMMM. Would’ve loved to have been there as well… just read the announcement on rue 89. Did you receive an advance invitation or was it just sort of like a flash mob?

  7. mir Avatar

    hahahahhah ! the real version of rami.. poke poke !!!!

  8. Rami Avatar

    oh look that’s me!! 😀
    It was great meeting you Maya! and it was great knowing who’s behind all these great blogs!

  9. Tarek Chemaly Avatar

    Hey, I look better in your illustrations than I do in real life….. But you look so way better in flesh and blood! Was super meeting you yesterday. Tarek

  10. Paola Avatar

    (Me, Crying because I wanted to be there, while I’m stuck in Stupid, Gloomy, ALREADY Cold Geneva)
    *Skulking* *Going on MEA Website to buy next ticket for Beirut (in December :-(((*

  11. darinerachkidy Avatar

    nice meeting …like ijtime3 baladyé…hihihihi
    hope ur more effective than they are..hahahah

  12. david Avatar

    hahah maya 3azim hal chi 🙂
    3a fekra nsite hanane :
    walaw ! :p

  13. rebeccamourani Avatar

    at first sight i thought you illustrated an imaginery meeting hehe i was looking for myself between the crowds!!
    didn’t know about the real thing! anyhow i hope you enjoyed yourself
    can’t wait for my own illustration missy!!

  14. Claire Avatar

    Hello Maya, did Philippe tell you I was the one (at globalvoices) to tell him abt your blog. I am one your faithful readers in France:)

  15. Rabih Avatar

    Shou? Na2abet el bloggerjyieh? ehehhe

  16. Nat Avatar

    T’was lovely to meet you too! We must do this again.

  17. armigatus Avatar

    Looks like fun!
    What did I miss?

  18. […] Maya Zankoul Tarek Chemaly Samer Karam Pierre Haski Share and Enjoy: […]

  19. david Avatar

    as nat said, it was a pleasure to meet you all… i liked the IRL quizz: “Oh, that you!” to put a face on an URL…
    see u

  20. Lynn Avatar

    hehe 😀 you’re missing an arm btw, in the bloggingbeirut scene 😛

  21. Colette Avatar

    Maya! Love love the comic 🙂 And, by the way, cracks me up that you leave out noses – which I thank you for, given that I have a distinctly large Lebanese nose 😉 Hopefully see you again soon! – 1/2 & 1/2 😉

  22. Jenny Avatar

    Hahahaha hilarious!
    i love it!!

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